Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Missing The Rain
Monday, November 23, 2009
October/November Recap
Sometimes I wish you could backdate these blogs. But a recap of the last 2 months will have to do.
From the last week in September until Halloween I (Ankle Biters) was swamped with Halloween Orders. I made 22 tutus and 5 Super Hero capes. It was a huge blessing when we REALLY needed the money but was very stressful in the fact that there was tulle and fabric everywhere and I had little free time for Kevin and the kids. We got through it, but Halloween lost it's luster for me this year. We took the kids to 3 different things on 3 different days to really get use out of there costumes. Cousin Brandon's school Halloween Carnival on Thursday, Halloween Happenin at Granmmys and Papas church on Friday, and then out Annual Trick-or-Treating on Olive Street with Angi, Stella, and crew. The kids had a blast at every place and got WAY too much good candy. Here they are in all there incredible glory.

Toby channeled "Dash Incredible" all night and ran everywhere, knocking over kids, tomb stones, or anything else in his path. Olivia kept trying to make Toby call her "Violet" all day since she was calling him dash. I made her costume and she was very excited about her "super suit". But when I got the tutu out she looked at me with those eyes and said to me "Mom, that's not a super suit." I had to convince her it was a super tutu and then she was good with it.
After trick-or-treating, we dropped the kids off at my mom and dads (Really Kevin and I would have NO adult life is it wasn't for them...thanks mom!!) and went to Carynn's Party. After making so many tutus, and then my two best friends asking me to make them some, I decided I had to make one for myself to. So here we are. All of us in our Ankle Biter Tutus. It was a fun night!

Then there was November
I was HUGELY blessed to be apart of my Sister-in-laws (and one of my best friends) home birth. Words can't even describe how amazing it was. Dena was such a trooper and brought a beautiful 8 lb 1 oz boy into this world naturally and peacefully in their home. I was reminded of how amazing and perfectly God created our bodies to preform such a task and loved every single minute of it. Here is Lucas Allen Fisher born November 6th 2009

And now, Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I am feeling like the days are just flying by. I am annoyed that there is Christmas crap EVERYWHERE and the weather hasn't even felt like fall. My favorite season has come and gone way too quickly. I'm going to have to find my thankful heart by the end of the week here. And I will, I have so much to be thankful for, especially that there is a holiday that forces us to stop and count our blessings. Happy Fall everyone.
From the last week in September until Halloween I (Ankle Biters) was swamped with Halloween Orders. I made 22 tutus and 5 Super Hero capes. It was a huge blessing when we REALLY needed the money but was very stressful in the fact that there was tulle and fabric everywhere and I had little free time for Kevin and the kids. We got through it, but Halloween lost it's luster for me this year. We took the kids to 3 different things on 3 different days to really get use out of there costumes. Cousin Brandon's school Halloween Carnival on Thursday, Halloween Happenin at Granmmys and Papas church on Friday, and then out Annual Trick-or-Treating on Olive Street with Angi, Stella, and crew. The kids had a blast at every place and got WAY too much good candy. Here they are in all there incredible glory.

Toby channeled "Dash Incredible" all night and ran everywhere, knocking over kids, tomb stones, or anything else in his path. Olivia kept trying to make Toby call her "Violet" all day since she was calling him dash. I made her costume and she was very excited about her "super suit". But when I got the tutu out she looked at me with those eyes and said to me "Mom, that's not a super suit." I had to convince her it was a super tutu and then she was good with it.
After trick-or-treating, we dropped the kids off at my mom and dads (Really Kevin and I would have NO adult life is it wasn't for them...thanks mom!!) and went to Carynn's Party. After making so many tutus, and then my two best friends asking me to make them some, I decided I had to make one for myself to. So here we are. All of us in our Ankle Biter Tutus. It was a fun night!

Then there was November
I was HUGELY blessed to be apart of my Sister-in-laws (and one of my best friends) home birth. Words can't even describe how amazing it was. Dena was such a trooper and brought a beautiful 8 lb 1 oz boy into this world naturally and peacefully in their home. I was reminded of how amazing and perfectly God created our bodies to preform such a task and loved every single minute of it. Here is Lucas Allen Fisher born November 6th 2009

And now, Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I am feeling like the days are just flying by. I am annoyed that there is Christmas crap EVERYWHERE and the weather hasn't even felt like fall. My favorite season has come and gone way too quickly. I'm going to have to find my thankful heart by the end of the week here. And I will, I have so much to be thankful for, especially that there is a holiday that forces us to stop and count our blessings. Happy Fall everyone.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Apparently this morning Toby wanted to make some cupcakes. I had the Christmas Funfetti Cupcake mix on the counter and I guess he was inspired. Here are the events that transpired, or at least what we have put together through the evidence he left behind.
8:00 (or so) Toby wakes up, busts the child lock in half that is on his door, and gets out his room by himself.
He walks into the kitchen and sees the cupcake mix on the counter...he thinks to himself "I really want some of those cupcakes, I will just make them before anyone gets up so I can eat them all myself."
He then grabs a chair, pushes it over to the counter, and grabs a filet knife out of the drawer. (This part scares me to death, what if he fell off the chair with the knife...thank God for watching over my crazy man-child while I am not) He proceeds to try and cut the box open with the knife, taking several slivers out of the side of the box and making a little slit in his finger in the process. (Again, thank God that was all that happened)
8:15 (or so) He then realizes that he's not going to get the box open, so he will just get out the ingredients instead, and worry about the box later. He puts the filet knife back in the drawer (the wrong way with the pointy end still slightly sticking out of the drawer) and goes to the refrigerator. Since everyone knows, even a 2 year old, that you need eggs to make cupcakes he thought he would get those out too. He drops about 5 eggs onto the ground and realizes that this his 2 year old hands might not be up to the job. So he dutifully picks up all the egg shell and throws them in the trash, but leaving the yokes all over the floor. (Cause really, who wanted to clean up slimy egg yokes)
By 8:30 (or so) he is tired from all this attempted baking, so he goes into the living room, turns on the tv, and watches some random show until Kevin got up with Liv.
I seriously don't know how I am going to do this raising a boy thing, it is turning out to be MUCH harder than raising a girl, not to mention more dangerous. He destroys everything he touches, gets dirty doing everything, and only wants me to kiss him once a week. I have a feeling that my muay thai-ing, girl pushing, door slamming, "rocket" peeing, loud voiced, super speed boy is going to test my soul till the day I die. And even with all that, I still can't believe that I could love a little boy as much as I do this one. For that one kiss a week, totally eclipses all the other stuff. Oh the love of a little boy.
8:00 (or so) Toby wakes up, busts the child lock in half that is on his door, and gets out his room by himself.
He walks into the kitchen and sees the cupcake mix on the counter...he thinks to himself "I really want some of those cupcakes, I will just make them before anyone gets up so I can eat them all myself."
He then grabs a chair, pushes it over to the counter, and grabs a filet knife out of the drawer. (This part scares me to death, what if he fell off the chair with the knife...thank God for watching over my crazy man-child while I am not) He proceeds to try and cut the box open with the knife, taking several slivers out of the side of the box and making a little slit in his finger in the process. (Again, thank God that was all that happened)
8:15 (or so) He then realizes that he's not going to get the box open, so he will just get out the ingredients instead, and worry about the box later. He puts the filet knife back in the drawer (the wrong way with the pointy end still slightly sticking out of the drawer) and goes to the refrigerator. Since everyone knows, even a 2 year old, that you need eggs to make cupcakes he thought he would get those out too. He drops about 5 eggs onto the ground and realizes that this his 2 year old hands might not be up to the job. So he dutifully picks up all the egg shell and throws them in the trash, but leaving the yokes all over the floor. (Cause really, who wanted to clean up slimy egg yokes)
By 8:30 (or so) he is tired from all this attempted baking, so he goes into the living room, turns on the tv, and watches some random show until Kevin got up with Liv.
I seriously don't know how I am going to do this raising a boy thing, it is turning out to be MUCH harder than raising a girl, not to mention more dangerous. He destroys everything he touches, gets dirty doing everything, and only wants me to kiss him once a week. I have a feeling that my muay thai-ing, girl pushing, door slamming, "rocket" peeing, loud voiced, super speed boy is going to test my soul till the day I die. And even with all that, I still can't believe that I could love a little boy as much as I do this one. For that one kiss a week, totally eclipses all the other stuff. Oh the love of a little boy.

Sunday, October 18, 2009
Its a sad week in the Fisher House. If you know Toby, then you know that he doesn't say "Yes", he says "Aye" It is one of my favorite things about him. Its like his trademark saying. But this week he just stopped. He has started saying "Yea" now. Now some of you might be thinking "So what" but to me this makes me so sad. Nothing has affected my heart more than this. Not his moving out of his crib to a big boy bed, not potty training, but no more "Aye" My little baby boy is growing up, where does the time go?

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Disneyland Again
I decided late Tuesday nght that we needed a break from reality. I have been a little stressed and grumpy lately so I thought I would surprise the kids and take them to Disneyland on Wednesday. They were surprised and very happy. They kept yelling "wahoo disneyland" all the way from the time they saw the parking structure to the time we got into the park. We did new things this time. We got there at a quarter to 10 and I thought they opened at 9 but I guess I was wrong. At 10am there was a stampede of strollers and foreigners and I was glad that both my kids were strapped into a stroller or they might have been ran down by another one. SO...we walked fast to the Nemo ride (Which has and has had a 45 minute wait every time we've been since it opened) So we waited less than 5 mins...I was pretty stoked. Here is Toby so excited to go on Nemo:

And here they are watching the water...so sweet (And that is Liv's cautious face, she is SO ready to cover those eyes need be)

Then we went on Autotopia. Olivia lucked out and got to drive, surprisingly Toby was fine with it.

This time was one of the best times. (Minus Kevin, who was at work bringing home the bacon) The weather was amazing and the lines were pretty short. I love that I get to do this with them. It makes me feel so lucky to be able to stay at home with them...I need to remember that more.

And here they are watching the water...so sweet (And that is Liv's cautious face, she is SO ready to cover those eyes need be)

Then we went on Autotopia. Olivia lucked out and got to drive, surprisingly Toby was fine with it.

This time was one of the best times. (Minus Kevin, who was at work bringing home the bacon) The weather was amazing and the lines were pretty short. I love that I get to do this with them. It makes me feel so lucky to be able to stay at home with them...I need to remember that more.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Jesus drives a trash truck
Some stories just need to be blogged about. This one in particular.
So Tuesday morning the trash trucks woke us all up. (Its really SO annoying that 3 trash trucks have to reverse down our culdesac with their back up beeps blaring at 6am every Tuesday but thats a whole different rant) So when we were leaving the house Olivia saw the trash cans out front and said in her little excited voice, "Mom, jesus picked up our trash" I was a little confused so I asked her "Jesus drives a trash truck?" She laughs and says, "Yeah Mom, He picks up our trash in his trash truck." I asked her where He took the trash after he picked it up in his truck and she told me "He takes it to his house." That was that, she had nothing else to say so I chalked it up to her beautiful imagination and left it at that.
The next day she shut Toby in our hot garage and locked the door behind him. I was more than fed up with their fighting by this time of the day and feeling pretty dramatic (me...dramatic...I know?!?!) so I scolded her that Toby could DIE if he got stuck in the hot garage. With the straightest face she could give me she told me "Its ok mom, we could just put him in the trash can and Jesus can pick him up and take him home with him."
Just then I realized why Jesus drives a trash truck in her mind. A couple of months ago, there was a dead bird in our back yard.I dutifully picked him up with the dust pan and threw him in the trash can. Olivia was very sad that he could fly anymore so I told her the truth...that now he gets to go by with Jesus up in Heaven. And duh...how else would he get there if Jesus didn't pick him up in his fancy ride...the trash truck...on their way up to Heaven?
So Tuesday morning the trash trucks woke us all up. (Its really SO annoying that 3 trash trucks have to reverse down our culdesac with their back up beeps blaring at 6am every Tuesday but thats a whole different rant) So when we were leaving the house Olivia saw the trash cans out front and said in her little excited voice, "Mom, jesus picked up our trash" I was a little confused so I asked her "Jesus drives a trash truck?" She laughs and says, "Yeah Mom, He picks up our trash in his trash truck." I asked her where He took the trash after he picked it up in his truck and she told me "He takes it to his house." That was that, she had nothing else to say so I chalked it up to her beautiful imagination and left it at that.
The next day she shut Toby in our hot garage and locked the door behind him. I was more than fed up with their fighting by this time of the day and feeling pretty dramatic (me...dramatic...I know?!?!) so I scolded her that Toby could DIE if he got stuck in the hot garage. With the straightest face she could give me she told me "Its ok mom, we could just put him in the trash can and Jesus can pick him up and take him home with him."
Just then I realized why Jesus drives a trash truck in her mind. A couple of months ago, there was a dead bird in our back yard.I dutifully picked him up with the dust pan and threw him in the trash can. Olivia was very sad that he could fly anymore so I told her the truth...that now he gets to go by with Jesus up in Heaven. And duh...how else would he get there if Jesus didn't pick him up in his fancy ride...the trash truck...on their way up to Heaven?
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
So I can't believe that its been two weeks since I got back from Colorado and still haven't uploaded these pictures or blogged about it. I am totally slacking lately. Start of the trip photo with mom:

So we got into Denver late the first night. Ate at Sonics and headed home to see Georgie. He was very excited to see us. (But didnt like the hat I bought him...hmm..I wonder why?

The next day was shopping day. And we Kahn's don't take shopping lightly. Here is a couple of pics of the damage we did. (We had to bring home an extra suitcase to fit our share. We're REDICILIOUS! (I'm not denying it)

Sunday we went to Lacey's church. Its called Vanguard and they meet in an old movie theater. It was awesome. Now I know why she missed it so much when she was home. Amazing doesn't begin to describe the feeling I got when I was there. God was definitely there, and it takes a lot for me to really feel something at a church that is not my own. I wish I could fly out every week to go there...it was that good.
After church we drove two hours to a quaint little mountain town called Brekenridge. Lots of little boutique-y little shops. Very cute. Here is a picture of the ski slopes minus the snow. It looked really cool.

Lots of good food, quality company, and good times had by all. I was very sad to leave Lacey and Ben but glad that we will see them in a couple of months for Christmas. We are hoping and praying that they can move closer someday. (SOON)

So we got into Denver late the first night. Ate at Sonics and headed home to see Georgie. He was very excited to see us. (But didnt like the hat I bought him...hmm..I wonder why?

The next day was shopping day. And we Kahn's don't take shopping lightly. Here is a couple of pics of the damage we did. (We had to bring home an extra suitcase to fit our share. We're REDICILIOUS! (I'm not denying it)

Sunday we went to Lacey's church. Its called Vanguard and they meet in an old movie theater. It was awesome. Now I know why she missed it so much when she was home. Amazing doesn't begin to describe the feeling I got when I was there. God was definitely there, and it takes a lot for me to really feel something at a church that is not my own. I wish I could fly out every week to go there...it was that good.
After church we drove two hours to a quaint little mountain town called Brekenridge. Lots of little boutique-y little shops. Very cute. Here is a picture of the ski slopes minus the snow. It looked really cool.

Lots of good food, quality company, and good times had by all. I was very sad to leave Lacey and Ben but glad that we will see them in a couple of months for Christmas. We are hoping and praying that they can move closer someday. (SOON)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Look who is in a BIG BOY BED
I've been dying to turn Toby's crib into a bed for weeks but Kevin made me wait until I got back from Colorado. He was so excited when he saw it, he just kept saying over and over "Check it Out, check it out!!!" So freakin' cute. (And what's weird, if memory serves me correctly, Liv kept saying that exact thing when I got her her big girl bed...but I could be wrong) He has done fine, hasn't gotten up once, which I'm not surprised. When he has his thumb and snuggle his world is complete. Here he is, you can see the proudness on his face...his sweet little big boy face.

Sunday, August 23, 2009
All for Kevin
I was laying in bed the other night thinking what a horrible wife/blogger I've been. I always blog about what the kids and I do but never about what Kevin does. So this one is for you babe. Kevin works so hard for us. Him doing that allows me to stay at home with the kids, and for that I couldn't be more thankful. He goes to work everyday at 4:00am with no complaint. He keeps the outside of our house looking immaculate. (with a little help but he really does take care of everything having to do with it) Because of all this I have no problem "letting" him do what he loves...fishing. He would fish everyday if he could. I can't even explain how much of a better husband and father he is when he gets back from a little fishing. I totally get it, so I rarely mind ;o) Life has been rough having 2 kids so close together but I can truly say, right now, that I love him more than ever.
Happy Birthday to Kevin at the Falkoner: He totally wore the stupid necklace I got him for like 20 mins (What a trooper)

Kevin doing what he loves to do best right now.

Happy Birthday to Kevin at the Falkoner: He totally wore the stupid necklace I got him for like 20 mins (What a trooper)

Kevin doing what he loves to do best right now.

First Week Babysitting
Was amazing. I am so thankful that I can get paid to stay at home with my kids. Talk about an answer to a very specific prayer. (God continues to amaze me that way) Kinzie will be with us three days a week from now until January. It is working out so good so far. She takes 2 naps which still leaves me with some one on one time with my kids as well as some alone time. SO perfect. Here is the trio on our walk. Pushing the three of them in the stroller is definitely a workout. Life is good.

Monday, August 17, 2009
If you know Olivia at all you know that she is like that sour patch kid commercial. She is sour one minute but oh so sweet the next. I want to remember the sweet things she says. Here are some of them from the last few days.
Kevin was singing a song out loud about Toby and he was screaming every time Kevin would start up. Olivia stops him and says "Dada, I don't think Toby Likes that song"
We were at church and getting out of the car. I tried to give Toby his bible but he wanted nothing to do with it. Looking on concerned, she turns to Toby and says, "But Toby, Jesus loves you"
And she is constantly talking about her cousins. This quote is by far my favorite though. "Mama, I love my cousins, they look out for me"
And I forgot one: Last week the kids were sick. I was putting Toby to bed and she opened the door to tell him "Toby, I hope you feel better"
Kevin was singing a song out loud about Toby and he was screaming every time Kevin would start up. Olivia stops him and says "Dada, I don't think Toby Likes that song"
We were at church and getting out of the car. I tried to give Toby his bible but he wanted nothing to do with it. Looking on concerned, she turns to Toby and says, "But Toby, Jesus loves you"
And she is constantly talking about her cousins. This quote is by far my favorite though. "Mama, I love my cousins, they look out for me"
And I forgot one: Last week the kids were sick. I was putting Toby to bed and she opened the door to tell him "Toby, I hope you feel better"
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Birthdays + Vacation =
A couple of VERY good (but oh so tiring) weeks.
First my birthday: Melting Pot with my 3 bestest friends, and Wood Ranch with the Fam. (Totally gained a couple of pounds this week...ugh)

Then Kevins vacation:
Beach trip on Tuesday,

Birthday Dinner at PF Changs Tuesday night,

Phillipes on Wednesday,

Kevins birthday Today...Happy Birthday Babe!!

First my birthday: Melting Pot with my 3 bestest friends, and Wood Ranch with the Fam. (Totally gained a couple of pounds this week...ugh)

Then Kevins vacation:
Beach trip on Tuesday,

Birthday Dinner at PF Changs Tuesday night,

Phillipes on Wednesday,

Kevins birthday Today...Happy Birthday Babe!!

Monday, August 3, 2009
My Cousins Wedding
Olivia and Toby were in their first wedding on Sunday. It was a nautical theme wedding so I dressed the kids accordingly. Olivia looked amazing, Toby...a little on the dorky side but OH SO cute! Kevin says these are the pictures he will be hating me for later but I don't think is was that bad. (Really, who would have thought that 2T would be too small, I should have figured.) Here they are hanging out before the wedding.

This was the first time that I actually had a good time with the kids being there. That sounds horrible but you know how it is. It is stressful to make sure they are happy and staying in one place. But they were so good, they stayed close and danced the night away. It was 8 o'clock before we knew it. I am enjoying this stage in life so much right now. (I <3 my family)
They did so good walking down the isle. The only problem was that Toby spotted Grammy sitting in the back and tried to make a detour to see her, but Liv, who had a death grip on his hand, kept him going the right way.
Family shot failure #863 
This was the first time that I actually had a good time with the kids being there. That sounds horrible but you know how it is. It is stressful to make sure they are happy and staying in one place. But they were so good, they stayed close and danced the night away. It was 8 o'clock before we knew it. I am enjoying this stage in life so much right now. (I <3 my family)
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