I decided late Tuesday nght that we needed a break from reality. I have been a little stressed and grumpy lately so I thought I would surprise the kids and take them to Disneyland on Wednesday. They were surprised and very happy. They kept yelling "wahoo disneyland" all the way from the time they saw the parking structure to the time we got into the park. We did new things this time. We got there at a quarter to 10 and I thought they opened at 9 but I guess I was wrong. At 10am there was a stampede of strollers and foreigners and I was glad that both my kids were strapped into a stroller or they might have been ran down by another one. SO...we walked fast to the Nemo ride (Which has and has had a 45 minute wait every time we've been since it opened) So we waited less than 5 mins...I was pretty stoked. Here is Toby so excited to go on Nemo:

And here they are watching the water...so sweet (And that is Liv's cautious face, she is SO ready to cover those eyes need be)

Then we went on Autotopia. Olivia lucked out and got to drive, surprisingly Toby was fine with it.

This time was one of the best times. (Minus Kevin, who was at work bringing home the bacon) The weather was amazing and the lines were pretty short. I love that I get to do this with them. It makes me feel so lucky to be able to stay at home with them...I need to remember that more.
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