Thursday, September 4, 2008


This is how I feel today...BLAH. 
I just feel like my head is spinning. I have so much that I need to do and I feel like I have absolutely no time to do it. When Kevin is on vacation I don't get anything done. I spent the last two weeks just doing stuff and not taking care of the things I need to. I cleaned the kitchen tonight after dinner while Kevin played with the kids in Liv's room and that made me feel a little better. But I haven't checked the mail in 2 weeks. I feel like I need a house cleaner, a bill payer, a person to do my laundry.

I know...I need a wife!

It is so hard to be a good housewife with two small babies. And now that I'm working...forget it!  Or maybe I just need to put the kids in their room for a little bit during the day so I can get something done without them screaming in my ear or messing up what I just cleaned. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Thanks for listening.

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