Thursday, September 25, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Potty Training Today
I can't believe it's that time in my baby girls life. Its crazy. But she has been telling me she wants to "try mama" for a few days now so I decided to get her a potty. She did really good today. Only two accidents and one was my fault for letting her go too long without trying. I think we got it down though. (knock on wood) She goes when I put her on but only about half the time goes in to go on her own. I don't know if that comes later or what. I am completely clueless when it comes to this stuff. There is no typical and I HATE that.
I didn't realize how exhausting it would be though. I am doing a "progressive" approach because I am a glutton for punishment and just want to get it done in the least time possible. So basically it is all potty all day for 1-3 days. (I'm betting on 3, any less just seems crazy) The juice starts flowin the minute she gets up and it's potty time every 25 minutes and she sits on the potty till she goes. She gets her treat and a new cup of juice and we start all over again. Needless to say it's going to be a long week. I am determined to have it done by the weekend though so we are not completely home bound like I am right now.
I will keep inquiring minds posted...
Monday, September 22, 2008
Olivia Loves to Sing
So it started out with the Curious George soundtrack and I then the Cars songs...and I though I loved that. But her new favorite cd is the Mary Rice Hopkins Kids Praise Songs.
Straight from the 80's and my childhood but so good none the less. I just can't get enough of her little voice singing Jesus and Hallelujah. I seriously want to cry every time I hear her little voice singing those words about the Creator of her little life.
It makes me wonder so much what is God to her. Is He just the guy who made hippos? (which is what one of the songs are about) Does she think He is her friend or just someone to talk to? I just can't wait to have a conversation with her when she can actually express to me what He is to her so I can in turn tell her what He means to me. I seriously can't wait...(tears pouring down my cheeks right now)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Rancid H2o Show
Oh my good. My dream come true right? blood sugar issues let me down again.
I spent all day on my feet doing a photography gig for my dad. I wore flip flops but if I would have known how sore my feet would have been I never would have brought heels for the show. But I HAD to be cute and wear my most uncomfortable stilettos. Worst idea ever but I had to pee almost the whole hour long car ride there and wasn't thinking straight. (Which also caused me to bring in my suitcase of a purse only to be broken by the force of the mosh pit)
So I got there right in time for H2o. Totally excited to see my 2 most favorite bands ever. So we get right up front which I thought was a fabulous idea at first until half way into the first song I completely lose hearing in my right ear. (We were right next to the stack of 3 huge speakers) They were awesome and I was on cloud nine till the last song when I realize that I hadn't eaten since lunch and feel like I am about to faint. So I take off my shoes and just stand there till Rancid come on.
As soon as Rancid comes on though I get knocked into a million times, which was fine except for:
1. It broke my purse strap.
2. There was a girl jumping behind me and every time she did her boobs and fupa were hitting me in my head and back.
3. There was a group of like five 10 year old boys who I was gonna smush an kill if I feel on top of them.
Half way into the set Kevin is over it and says he's gonna go in the back. Of course I didn't want to go so I stayed but a few songs after he left I started to feel like I was going to faint again, but this time my eyes started to get all blurry and my ears started to blur everything out. I turned around to find Dena or Angi but they had gone too. So I started to make my way to the back and couldn't find anyone I knew. Two guys on the way out asked me if I was ok because I looked bad so I figured I should get some air and find Kevin. Found him upstairs, ate a slice of pizza and felt 10x better. But now there was no going back. It was so crowded that I was never going to get a spot where I could see so I went back in and listened to one last song (Riot, and one of my favs) and then we left.
I can't believe I left early from the show of my life...blood sugar issues ruin my life!
All in all it was as awesome experience though. H2o was amazing, Rancid was too (what I saw) and I got a Paul Frank h2o was a good night after all.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Beach Day
Yesterday we went to the Laguna Beach with the other Fisher Fam. (As well as Grandma and Papa Wasbotten.) We had an awesome time.
Olivia had a great time playing in the water, trying to keep up with Ayden, and chasing sandwich stealing birds. "Oh no mama, Oh no...No Nootch (sandwich) bird, No Nootch" Oh well, I guess the bird needed her pb & j more than she did. I loved watching her start off so scared of all the sea animals and noises in the beginning of the day to trying to run towards the waves and petting the crabs before we left. Her curiosity and energy continues to amaze me.
Toby suprised the heck out of me. I though he (and I) would not have a good time at all but he loved the water, the waves, and watching everyone have a good time. I took him out of his pack and play home to put him in the tide pools. I thought he would just sit there but much to my surprise he took off, over plenty if rough rocks, to everyone else. He was fearless. It was amazing to watch my little baby (who cant even walk) move around the tide pools like a little crab man pro. He had such a good time. And after that we put him on the hard sand (he hated the soft sand) and he was crawling towards the waves and when they would come he would crawl back as fast as his little knees could take him. It was so fun to watch him having fun like a real kid and not the little baby I tend to see him as.
They are getting so big so fast and it times like these that really get me appreciating the time I have with them while they are so young and curious. Watching them figure out the world around them is a most amazing experience. Just sitting back and watching them from afar, I feel like my life was complete, like all I need is my family and the vast ocean before us. It was by far the best family outing we've ever had. (Not to mention the fell asleep 5 minutes into the car ride and slept the entire way home) It was a beautiful day and beautiful memories were made.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Just made my day
A truth box comment I ran across today (a month old but) just when I needed it most:
I think that you are: righteous, determined, loving, originally trendy, faithful, uplifting, talented, joyful, strong, prepared, level headed, unashamed, noticeable, fantabulous and so much more. Thank you for always knowing the right thing to say and for being such an amazing role model.
Made me cry...thank you Meggie
Friday, September 5, 2008
American Girl Cafe
Today we went to the American Girl Cafe in LA. It was so awesome. Liv had such a good time. (And Toby did too) The seat you and bring out little highchairs for your babies. They bring you out cinnamon buns and an appetizer platter with fruit and cinnamon tortilla chips. (Toby's favorite)
Liv ate chicken fingers and tons of fruit. For desert they brought us a heart shaped slice of cake a sugar cookie, and a "dirt" cup of chocolate moose.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
This is how I feel today...BLAH.
I just feel like my head is spinning. I have so much that I need to do and I feel like I have absolutely no time to do it. When Kevin is on vacation I don't get anything done. I spent the last two weeks just doing stuff and not taking care of the things I need to. I cleaned the kitchen tonight after dinner while Kevin played with the kids in Liv's room and that made me feel a little better. But I haven't checked the mail in 2 weeks. I feel like I need a house cleaner, a bill payer, a person to do my laundry.
I know...I need a wife!
It is so hard to be a good housewife with two small babies. And now that I'm working...forget it! Or maybe I just need to put the kids in their room for a little bit during the day so I can get something done without them screaming in my ear or messing up what I just cleaned. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Thanks for listening.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Monday, September 1, 2008
Ben's Last Night Here
So today is Ben's last day here. We spent the day up at my mom and dad's house just hanging out. We ate Ribeyes and Potato Casserole. Ben said it was in his top three for his mid-tour. I did a photo shoot with them. They turned out pretty cute huh:
I got really sad when they said good bye.
And when we were saying our good night prayers we always say God bless Mom, Dad, Olivia, and Toby.
Liv added "And Lacey"
And I said "And Ben"
Liv said "Awwwww"
I said "Are you sad cause Ben had to go bye bye?"
Liv said "yes" with the saddest little face.
We will all miss him terribly...Till the next time we get to see them together...I can's wait.
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