Halloween was not so fun this year. Let me start by saying that Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday. I love it. The decorations, making costumes, tons of little tiny bite size chocolates everywhere. This year was crazy though. Between Halloween orders (Ankle Biters)for most of September and October, and stuff going almost every weekend, October really got away from me. By the time I realized we had better get to the pumpkin patch it was already the weekend before Halloween and we didn't go because we thought it would be too crowded. SO we didn't go to the pumpkin patch or carve pumpkins. LAME. Halloween morning Toby had an asthma attack and I had to take him to urgent care. Oxygen, breathing treatment, steroid shot, and oxygen again, they sent us home. Well he didnt get batter all day. He was still laboring to breath and wheezing so I called the doctor back to ask when I should bring him back. They said to bring him back in right away for a chest xray. Annoyed, because we were about to walk out the door to go trick-or-treating, I decided to take him back in. Thankfully all was clear so we picked up Liv and Kevin from trick-or-treating and hit a couple of houses on our street so Toby could at least get a little fun. All in all it was a stressful and exhausting day. Hope next year is better. Here are the pictures. Liv got to have 2 costumes this year. One for me and one for her ;o)

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