only wanted one thing for her 30th birthday. She wanted to have a dinner party in the forest surrounded with twinkling lights. The only problem...no electricity in the forest or a forest near by...but we made due. My mother in law has a little meadow in her back yard so we decided to do it there. I got to be in charge of the table. (I was pumped to be in charge of this) This was my first attempt at a tablescape and was pretty proud of how it turned out. I wanted it to be fancy, but woodland-esque. Tons of twinkly lights, candles, wood stumps, and woodland creatures. I wish the pictures I took could do it justice, but I just couldn't get a good shot. Here is what I did get.

The company was perfect. The night was perfect. Happy Birthday Dena. I love you so much!

the night was perfect. and I am so thankful I have you in my life to love me and make my fantasy land come to life. xo