Last night on the way home from bible study we were listining the radio. The song that sings "Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, your love makes me sing" comes on. Olivia loves this song because it was on one of her baby videos. She asks me to turn it up. After singing a few chorus' in her sweet little voice, i tell can her that I love to hear her sing to Jesus. She then says to me "Mom, everytime I sing this song, it makes me have tears in my eyes" (Which immediately makes me get tears in mine) I told her that when I sing songs I really love to Jesus, it makes me get tears in my eyes too. She nods. Then Toby says "Me too mom...but it makes me get cheese puffs in my eyes" glad I have both these amazing children in my life.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Toby is 4!!!
Toby's Stats:
Age 4
42 inches tall
42 pounds
Toby...oh where do I start with Toby. Toby is SO FUNNY. He is constantly making us laugh. Whether it be a knock knock joke, (where the punch line is always BUTT, followed by extreme giggling) a silly face, or just taking a million miles a minute tell his version of some story,...he is always entertaining. He loves gymnastics. I love watching him try to do the moves, because he is slightly uncoordinated, but tires very hard. He is always the one in the class taking, or telling something he likes to the gymnastics teacher. His voice carries SO FAR. He does not have a quiet voice once so ever!
He eats SO much. More than almost double. Seriously, the kid can put down 3 hot dogs with problem. He will try and eat just about anything. But his favorites foods are cheeseburgers an cucumbers.
This last few months Toby has amazed us by doing a couple of things early for his age. At the beginning of the summer, at 3, he started swimming without floaties. My father-in-law offered him a granola bar if he would swim across the pool...and of course he jumped right in and swam the entire length. (I told you he LOVES food!) This summer, he also learned all of his letter. Uppercase, lowercase, and the sounds they make. I was doing them with Liv getting her ready for Kindergarten and he would just watch and listen. Eventually, he would start telling her the ones she didn't know. So I did the flash cards with him, and he knew every single one. I was one proud mama. Hopefully school will come easier for him than it did for me.
Toby loves his snuggle still. (His little blanket that he has had since he was born.) I tried to get rid of it this birthday, but he wasnt having it. Just cant relax without it. And I totally get it, I had my blankets till I was 10!! (ugh...right?!) So...I just let him have it at bed time now. And that works out just fine. Maybe next year!
Toby loves his family. He loves to play with his sissy all day long. Loves his mama SO MUCH! Tells me he loves me and blows me kisses all day long. I am soaking it up all I can while it lasts. He is such a sweet boy with me. So gentle and calm with me. (the exact opposite of how he is the rest of the day) He loves his dad. Loves to wrestle, have light saber fights, and throw any ball with him. He has to have daddy come in every night after prayers to sing "The itsy bitsy spider" which ends in the spider going up the Toby spout at the end and a tickle war always pursues.
Toby is such a happy kid. Loves to sing and dance, loves to watch movies and tv, loves to play outside, and loves anything with wheels. We are so lucky to have this boy in our lives. We love you Toby!!

Age 4
42 inches tall
42 pounds
Toby...oh where do I start with Toby. Toby is SO FUNNY. He is constantly making us laugh. Whether it be a knock knock joke, (where the punch line is always BUTT, followed by extreme giggling) a silly face, or just taking a million miles a minute tell his version of some story,...he is always entertaining. He loves gymnastics. I love watching him try to do the moves, because he is slightly uncoordinated, but tires very hard. He is always the one in the class taking, or telling something he likes to the gymnastics teacher. His voice carries SO FAR. He does not have a quiet voice once so ever!
He eats SO much. More than almost double. Seriously, the kid can put down 3 hot dogs with problem. He will try and eat just about anything. But his favorites foods are cheeseburgers an cucumbers.
This last few months Toby has amazed us by doing a couple of things early for his age. At the beginning of the summer, at 3, he started swimming without floaties. My father-in-law offered him a granola bar if he would swim across the pool...and of course he jumped right in and swam the entire length. (I told you he LOVES food!) This summer, he also learned all of his letter. Uppercase, lowercase, and the sounds they make. I was doing them with Liv getting her ready for Kindergarten and he would just watch and listen. Eventually, he would start telling her the ones she didn't know. So I did the flash cards with him, and he knew every single one. I was one proud mama. Hopefully school will come easier for him than it did for me.
Toby loves his snuggle still. (His little blanket that he has had since he was born.) I tried to get rid of it this birthday, but he wasnt having it. Just cant relax without it. And I totally get it, I had my blankets till I was 10!! (ugh...right?!) So...I just let him have it at bed time now. And that works out just fine. Maybe next year!
Toby loves his family. He loves to play with his sissy all day long. Loves his mama SO MUCH! Tells me he loves me and blows me kisses all day long. I am soaking it up all I can while it lasts. He is such a sweet boy with me. So gentle and calm with me. (the exact opposite of how he is the rest of the day) He loves his dad. Loves to wrestle, have light saber fights, and throw any ball with him. He has to have daddy come in every night after prayers to sing "The itsy bitsy spider" which ends in the spider going up the Toby spout at the end and a tickle war always pursues.
Toby is such a happy kid. Loves to sing and dance, loves to watch movies and tv, loves to play outside, and loves anything with wheels. We are so lucky to have this boy in our lives. We love you Toby!!

Monday, July 11, 2011
Olivias Birthday Week Part 2: American Girl Cafe
On Olivia's actual birthday, my mom took Olivia, Toby, and Me to the American Girl Cafe. This is the 4th year we have gone for her birthday and I absolutely love this tradition. The place is amazing...and the experience is even better. I think my mom and I look forward to it as much as the kids (yes, Toby has a boy doll...and loves the place too...much to my dads dismay) Olivia wore her birthday hat the whole time so "everyone could know she was 5 now" She wanted a big girl she ended up "Honey". They got matching outfits that had to be put on as soon as we got home. We had a great time.

Olivias Birthday Week Part 1: Best Day Ever
Olivia's Birthday week kicked off on the Friday before her Birthday. My dad took her on her "best day ever". She got to pick where they went all day.

She wanted to start the day with lunch at Chuck-E-Cheese. Got an cheese and olive pizza, went on lots of rides, played lots of games, and made a new friend that she ran around with and took pictures with the entire time.

Next she wanted to go to the mall. She wanted to play on the playground and get Twinkle Toes. Her new Twinkle Toes and purple, light up, and have peace signs and glitter all over them. Something mama would have definitely not bought...but I love that her Papa let ger pick them out herself. She told him "Oh no...Mama's gonna be mad at me cause she doesn't like peace signs" She's so funny. (I was not mad for the record) Of course she picked up another stuffed animal along the way as well.

While walking through Nordies, of course she had to get a little makeover.

And they ended up their day at Chick-fil-a...because she LOVES their playground too.

All in all, I think she had a pretty awesome best day ever.

She wanted to start the day with lunch at Chuck-E-Cheese. Got an cheese and olive pizza, went on lots of rides, played lots of games, and made a new friend that she ran around with and took pictures with the entire time.

Next she wanted to go to the mall. She wanted to play on the playground and get Twinkle Toes. Her new Twinkle Toes and purple, light up, and have peace signs and glitter all over them. Something mama would have definitely not bought...but I love that her Papa let ger pick them out herself. She told him "Oh no...Mama's gonna be mad at me cause she doesn't like peace signs" She's so funny. (I was not mad for the record) Of course she picked up another stuffed animal along the way as well.

While walking through Nordies, of course she had to get a little makeover.

And they ended up their day at Chick-fil-a...because she LOVES their playground too.

All in all, I think she had a pretty awesome best day ever.
Olivia is 5
Olivias Stats:
5 years old
39 pounds
43 inches tall
Olivia is amazing. She is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the out. She loves so much. Loves her family, loves animals, (especially dogs...she hugs every dog she can) still LOVES stuffed animals, and loves to be up in the business. She is so giving. She always gives me one of her two oreos from her lunchable...everytime. She always offers to help any way she can. She helps Toby do the things he can't, even if it's something naughty. She is so much like her dad. Loves to be scratched, loves to hug and be close to people and just hang out. She still loves to be held, even though we told her we wouldn't hold her anymore once she turned 5. When we pick her up, she says "well, I'm still not too big...yet" She eats like a bird, but loves to eat all kinds of foods. Doesn't love veggies, but will eat up an entire plate if desert comes after. She is a chocolate fiend...just like her mama. She loves to "exercise" with me because she wants to be "healthy" like me. She cannot wait to start Kindergarten. We have been working hard all summer and she has learned all but about 4 letters and all her numbers to 10. I am very proud at how fast she has learned these, especially cause she didn't have any desire to learn any letters at preschool this year...too busy being social I'm sure. She never stops talking. Her and Toby would talk at me for hours if I let them. She makes friends everywhere she goes. She flips, summersaults, and runs everywhere. She just moved up to the tumble kids class at gymnastics and is doing so well. Although she "misses the songs" in the tumble tots class with Toby, she is much more challenged in this class and is doing so much better than I thought she would. She is really really good. She loves to swim, especially with her cousins. She is completely obsessed with them. When Ayden and Brandon are around...I don't exist. She loves to hang out and run around with them. She also loves "big girls". Loves her Aunties and Grandmas. She always gets super attached to at least one whenever they are around. Doesn't leave their lap the entire day. This summer she learned how to ride her bike with no training wheels. Just did it, all I had to do was push her off. She also started swimming really well this summer. She could get around the pool last year with no swimmies, but this year she is swimming the entire length of the pool, most of it under water. She still takes off most of her clothing the second we get in the door. Hates jeans and cute shoes if they are at all uncomfortable. She still wears the dresses I make her, (all 20 that she has requested over time) and still asks me to make her more. She is so affirming. Anything I do, she has something mice to say about it. When I am crafting..."Mom, that is beautiful, can you make me one" Or when I am exercising "Great job are being so healthy" She says the most sincere "Thank you's" for everything I buy her or do for her. I just love her so much. I love the kid she is becoming. I love her heart. She talks about God all the time. Knows that He died for her sins so she "can make bad choices and still go to heaven" I can't wait to see her relationship with her Heavenly Father grow. I know she will be a bright light for Him someday. Her genuine kindness will bring Him so much glory.
Happy 5th Birthday my girl, I love you to the moon!

5 years old
39 pounds
43 inches tall
Olivia is amazing. She is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the out. She loves so much. Loves her family, loves animals, (especially dogs...she hugs every dog she can) still LOVES stuffed animals, and loves to be up in the business. She is so giving. She always gives me one of her two oreos from her lunchable...everytime. She always offers to help any way she can. She helps Toby do the things he can't, even if it's something naughty. She is so much like her dad. Loves to be scratched, loves to hug and be close to people and just hang out. She still loves to be held, even though we told her we wouldn't hold her anymore once she turned 5. When we pick her up, she says "well, I'm still not too big...yet" She eats like a bird, but loves to eat all kinds of foods. Doesn't love veggies, but will eat up an entire plate if desert comes after. She is a chocolate fiend...just like her mama. She loves to "exercise" with me because she wants to be "healthy" like me. She cannot wait to start Kindergarten. We have been working hard all summer and she has learned all but about 4 letters and all her numbers to 10. I am very proud at how fast she has learned these, especially cause she didn't have any desire to learn any letters at preschool this year...too busy being social I'm sure. She never stops talking. Her and Toby would talk at me for hours if I let them. She makes friends everywhere she goes. She flips, summersaults, and runs everywhere. She just moved up to the tumble kids class at gymnastics and is doing so well. Although she "misses the songs" in the tumble tots class with Toby, she is much more challenged in this class and is doing so much better than I thought she would. She is really really good. She loves to swim, especially with her cousins. She is completely obsessed with them. When Ayden and Brandon are around...I don't exist. She loves to hang out and run around with them. She also loves "big girls". Loves her Aunties and Grandmas. She always gets super attached to at least one whenever they are around. Doesn't leave their lap the entire day. This summer she learned how to ride her bike with no training wheels. Just did it, all I had to do was push her off. She also started swimming really well this summer. She could get around the pool last year with no swimmies, but this year she is swimming the entire length of the pool, most of it under water. She still takes off most of her clothing the second we get in the door. Hates jeans and cute shoes if they are at all uncomfortable. She still wears the dresses I make her, (all 20 that she has requested over time) and still asks me to make her more. She is so affirming. Anything I do, she has something mice to say about it. When I am crafting..."Mom, that is beautiful, can you make me one" Or when I am exercising "Great job are being so healthy" She says the most sincere "Thank you's" for everything I buy her or do for her. I just love her so much. I love the kid she is becoming. I love her heart. She talks about God all the time. Knows that He died for her sins so she "can make bad choices and still go to heaven" I can't wait to see her relationship with her Heavenly Father grow. I know she will be a bright light for Him someday. Her genuine kindness will bring Him so much glory.
Happy 5th Birthday my girl, I love you to the moon!

Saturday, June 18, 2011
Foodies For Life
If you know our family, you know we are foodies, and you KNOW we LOVE meat! Kevin attempted his first Brisket this weekend and it did not disappoint. He smoked 2 huge briskets for 15 hours. It was seriously the best bbq I've ever had an am very lucky to have a husband who is so cood at preparing amazing meals. (Since I seriously lack in that area)
P.S. They are not burnt...thats the bark (mostly charred fat)...and what makes it SO YUMMY.

Speaking of we went the the IE Food Truck Fest to celebrate Father's Day in our favorite way...Eating!! Here are a few of my favorite foods for the day
Rajas Fries from the Fry Smith Truck

Ahi Tuna Poke Nachos from the Lime Truck

Spicy Tuna Chips from the Rolling Sushi Truck (sorry for the horrible pic...sticky food lens)

And the Ultimate Desert: Waffle and Chocolate Ice Cream sandwich (with Nutella spead all over the waffle of course)

Here was the kids favorite

And here they are working all those calories off at the kid gym...yes you heard me...the kid work out area! (Watch your kid work out while you consume massive amounts of calories...only at a foodie fest)

P.S. They are not burnt...thats the bark (mostly charred fat)...and what makes it SO YUMMY.

Speaking of we went the the IE Food Truck Fest to celebrate Father's Day in our favorite way...Eating!! Here are a few of my favorite foods for the day
Rajas Fries from the Fry Smith Truck

Ahi Tuna Poke Nachos from the Lime Truck

Spicy Tuna Chips from the Rolling Sushi Truck (sorry for the horrible pic...sticky food lens)

And the Ultimate Desert: Waffle and Chocolate Ice Cream sandwich (with Nutella spead all over the waffle of course)

Here was the kids favorite

And here they are working all those calories off at the kid gym...yes you heard me...the kid work out area! (Watch your kid work out while you consume massive amounts of calories...only at a foodie fest)

Craft Fair and other Crafty business
On June 4th, I did the Kissui Craft Fair. I did so much better than I could have imagined and cannot believe what my little side business has turned into. Here is my set up.

Other Crafty Business:
Wreath for my mom for Mothers Day

Picture Collage of my Grandma for my mom for Mothers Day

End of the year presents for Olivias Teachers

My first attempt at pants for Baby Kanno

Other Crafty Business:
Wreath for my mom for Mothers Day

Picture Collage of my Grandma for my mom for Mothers Day

End of the year presents for Olivias Teachers

My first attempt at pants for Baby Kanno

Friday, June 17, 2011
Olivia is done with Preschool
Ahh...bitter sweet. I am SO SAD preschool is over for her. She had such an amazing time this year. She loved her teacher Mrs. C, and especially her teachers aid, Mrs. Davidson. When we drove away on the last day of school, she was all pouty when we got home. When I asked her what the matter was, she said "I am really going to miss Mrs. Davidson every day of my whole life" She really did lover her...and I could tell the feeling was mutual.

The end of the year "graduation" was amazing. Each class got up and sang a song. Then got presented with their completion certificate. There was a slide show with pictures from the whole year, and at the end of the slide show, there was a picture with each "graduate" with their name under it. Totally cute.

Then there was a picnic,. And the teacher gave back all sorts of fun art projects, their letter book, and a cd with 800 pictures of the class over the year. So awesome. LOVE First Lutheran Children's Center and loved her teacher Mrs. C. Toby will be able to have her next year and I couldn't be any happier.

The end of the year "graduation" was amazing. Each class got up and sang a song. Then got presented with their completion certificate. There was a slide show with pictures from the whole year, and at the end of the slide show, there was a picture with each "graduate" with their name under it. Totally cute.

Then there was a picnic,. And the teacher gave back all sorts of fun art projects, their letter book, and a cd with 800 pictures of the class over the year. So awesome. LOVE First Lutheran Children's Center and loved her teacher Mrs. C. Toby will be able to have her next year and I couldn't be any happier.
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