P.S. They are not burnt...thats the bark (mostly charred fat)...and what makes it SO YUMMY.

Speaking of foodies...today we went the the IE Food Truck Fest to celebrate Father's Day in our favorite way...Eating!! Here are a few of my favorite foods for the day
Rajas Fries from the Fry Smith Truck

Ahi Tuna Poke Nachos from the Lime Truck

Spicy Tuna Chips from the Rolling Sushi Truck (sorry for the horrible pic...sticky food lens)

And the Ultimate Desert: Waffle and Chocolate Ice Cream sandwich (with Nutella spead all over the waffle of course)

Here was the kids favorite

And here they are working all those calories off at the kid gym...yes you heard me...the kid work out area! (Watch your kid work out while you consume massive amounts of calories...only at a foodie fest)

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