March 27th was the Redlands Bike Classic. Liv was determined to race (but wouldnt practice on her 2 wheel bike, so we put her in the trike race with Tobys trike. She did reall well, took off in 1st, then half way through was still in 2nd, but she stopped 10 feet from the finish line to look for Mama so she finish somewhere in the middle. She did great though, got a medal and a shirt. Of course she was the best dressed racer there sporting nothing other than a Ankle Biters Tutu to match her bike. It even got her in the newspaper!!

April 4th was Easter. We had a really nice are my favorite pics.

April 15th my sister Lacey came into town for a weekend visit. We miss her way too much and this was a nice time to catch up and eat way to many delicious meals in the process. We also made it to Tanaka Farms to pick strawberries. LOVE that place!

April 18th was the Run Through Redlands. I did the 10k this year and finished in 69 minutes. I was very proud of myself for finishing running the entire time. 6 miles!!!

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