Wednesday, June 3, 2009

June way!

I am absolutely loving this weather. On Tuesday The Clark Fam came over to play and it was such a nice day we spent most of it outside (And if you know me you know thats a big deal for me to actually want to sit outside.) The kids loved it.

And then today...all the thunder and lightning....but very little you could actually enjoy it! Kevin was BBQing outside (Only my family BBQs during a thunder storm right??)and called me out to see the most amazing clouds I have ever seen. We stayed outside watching them move and watching the lightning. It was so beautiful. But Liv kept saying "Oh no Mama, the sky is falling. (Too much chicken Little I guess) It freaked her out a little. I had to get the camera, but these pics don't even do them justice, they were so crazy looking. There were parts where it looked like the clouds were sucked in and other parts that looked like giant footprints. None the less, they were breath taking.


  1. We had a lot of fun! Thanks for having us! It sometimes sucks being the most hated family in Redlands.

  2. Om my gosh Lauren, I'm the same way about going outside. When it's nice out I actually say to myself.."Crap, does that mean I should take Violet outside to play?"

    The kids are getting so big. They're going to be 2 and 3 this year right? Crazy!!

  3. I love that picture of Liv with the big "cheese" smile! Her hair looks FIERCE!
