Thursday, April 5, 2012
Happy Easter...its my Christmas Letter
Merry Christmas…Happy New Year…Happy Valentines Day, and Happy Easter. Sheesh…I guess better late than never this year huh? 2011 was an amazing year. Between our loan modification and new lower house payment, the kids being older and pretty self-sufficient, and both kids being in school at least 3 days a week, the stress level at the Fisher house has gone way down. THANK THE LORD! Its only by the grace of God we have survived the last couple of years in tact. This year we finally feel like we could catch our breaths and enjoy life. And boy did we! The highlight of our year was being able to take our first real family vacation. We went to the Grand Canyon for 3 days. The kids were perfect and we enjoyed a train ride to the Grand Canyon, lots of quality time, and the Polar Express! It was so much fun.
Kevin never changes much, which is fine with me because I love the way he is! He is still enjoying bbq-ing, food trucks, and long talks with my dad about both those things. Still working for Budweiser, and has been enjoying his Redlands route very much. The kids love to go meet him and see his “mack” big rig. He got into an accident and totaled his beloved Subaru. It was hard to let go of his fast car, but he ended up getting a truck, which he enjoys very much. He loves to take us up in the hills to go off-roading (or hot roading and the kids call it) I don’t enjoy it, but do enjoy the quality time with the family that it brings. So I am warming up to it! He and Toby also enjoy Nerf gun wars together. Boys will be boys huh?
This year for me has been a year of thankfulness. I am SO thankful for my business, (which is continually growing and allows me to stay home with my kids) my health, (ran my first half marathon in April…13.1 miles!!! And have kept my 25lb weight loss off) my walk with God (He is SO good, and continually amazes me with his personal and intimate touch in every aspect of my life) and my family (LOVE MY FAMILY!!) With the kids being older needing less constant attention, I have rediscovered my best friend. I am very much enjoying being able just to hang out and talk to Kevin again. Life is just finally feeling right…I am finally getting the hang of balancing everything.
Olivia is now 5 and in Kindergarten!! Oh my goodness how time flies. She has an amazing teacher, who is very serious about Kindergarten, so she is learning so much. In just 4 short months, she went from barely knowing her letters, to reading 20 page books. It is so cool to watch. She also got her first award in school, for personal accountability. Way to make mama proud!! She is still obsessed with animals, stuffed and real. She has such a tender heart for them. She really wishes Toby and I were not allergic. So she will have to stick to taking care of her 100+ stuffed collection. (Its ridiculous) Speaking of her heart, it’s the best thing about her. She is so in touch with how she feels and others around her. Worship songs make her tear up, and the sunset makes her “heart beat so fast”. I see the Holy Spirit wooing her already and it makes my soul so happy. She is SO beautiful inside and out…and I could not be any prouder of the girl she is becoming.
Toby continues to be the life of the party…and our family. His happiness and laughter are contagious. I just wish his energy was! The boy is non-stop. Non-stop talking (we can understand almost all of his 100mph talking now), eating, (as much if not more than me) moving (He has to run everywhere), and growing (grew almost 3 inches and 3 shoe sizes this year!) He is so fun to be around and makes every situation or destination better. He has a great sense of humor and loves to play jokes and harass people (Just like his dad and Papa). He is now 4 and in preschool 3 days a week. He loves it. Wants to go everyday and talks about his friends at school all the time. He is so smart too. When I was teaching Liv her letters and numbers this summer, Toby would yell out the ones she didn’t know. Just watching me do the flash cards with her, he picked them all up. Its crazy how fast he learns. I am really enjoying our days alone together while Olivia is at school. On our “date days” we go do something just the two of us. He tells me a million times that I am his best friend and he loves me. I make him promise he will feel that way even when he’s 15. He says he will.
Happy New Year!! Hope it has started off and will finish with love and thankfulness.
Kevin, Lauren, Olivia, and Toby Fisher

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