Monday, July 11, 2011

Olivias Birthday Week Part 2: American Girl Cafe

On Olivia's actual birthday, my mom took Olivia, Toby, and Me to the American Girl Cafe. This is the 4th year we have gone for her birthday and I absolutely love this tradition. The place is amazing...and the experience is even better. I think my mom and I look forward to it as much as the kids (yes, Toby has a boy doll...and loves the place too...much to my dads dismay) Olivia wore her birthday hat the whole time so "everyone could know she was 5 now" She wanted a big girl she ended up "Honey". They got matching outfits that had to be put on as soon as we got home. We had a great time.

Olivias Birthday Week Part 1: Best Day Ever

Olivia's Birthday week kicked off on the Friday before her Birthday. My dad took her on her "best day ever". She got to pick where they went all day.
She wanted to start the day with lunch at Chuck-E-Cheese. Got an cheese and olive pizza, went on lots of rides, played lots of games, and made a new friend that she ran around with and took pictures with the entire time.
Next she wanted to go to the mall. She wanted to play on the playground and get Twinkle Toes. Her new Twinkle Toes and purple, light up, and have peace signs and glitter all over them. Something mama would have definitely not bought...but I love that her Papa let ger pick them out herself. She told him "Oh no...Mama's gonna be mad at me cause she doesn't like peace signs" She's so funny. (I was not mad for the record) Of course she picked up another stuffed animal along the way as well.
While walking through Nordies, of course she had to get a little makeover.
And they ended up their day at Chick-fil-a...because she LOVES their playground too.
All in all, I think she had a pretty awesome best day ever.

Olivia is 5

Olivias Stats:
5 years old
39 pounds
43 inches tall

Olivia is amazing. She is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the out. She loves so much. Loves her family, loves animals, (especially dogs...she hugs every dog she can) still LOVES stuffed animals, and loves to be up in the business. She is so giving. She always gives me one of her two oreos from her lunchable...everytime. She always offers to help any way she can. She helps Toby do the things he can't, even if it's something naughty. She is so much like her dad. Loves to be scratched, loves to hug and be close to people and just hang out. She still loves to be held, even though we told her we wouldn't hold her anymore once she turned 5. When we pick her up, she says "well, I'm still not too big...yet" She eats like a bird, but loves to eat all kinds of foods. Doesn't love veggies, but will eat up an entire plate if desert comes after. She is a chocolate fiend...just like her mama. She loves to "exercise" with me because she wants to be "healthy" like me. She cannot wait to start Kindergarten. We have been working hard all summer and she has learned all but about 4 letters and all her numbers to 10. I am very proud at how fast she has learned these, especially cause she didn't have any desire to learn any letters at preschool this year...too busy being social I'm sure. She never stops talking. Her and Toby would talk at me for hours if I let them. She makes friends everywhere she goes. She flips, summersaults, and runs everywhere. She just moved up to the tumble kids class at gymnastics and is doing so well. Although she "misses the songs" in the tumble tots class with Toby, she is much more challenged in this class and is doing so much better than I thought she would. She is really really good. She loves to swim, especially with her cousins. She is completely obsessed with them. When Ayden and Brandon are around...I don't exist. She loves to hang out and run around with them. She also loves "big girls". Loves her Aunties and Grandmas. She always gets super attached to at least one whenever they are around. Doesn't leave their lap the entire day. This summer she learned how to ride her bike with no training wheels. Just did it, all I had to do was push her off. She also started swimming really well this summer. She could get around the pool last year with no swimmies, but this year she is swimming the entire length of the pool, most of it under water. She still takes off most of her clothing the second we get in the door. Hates jeans and cute shoes if they are at all uncomfortable. She still wears the dresses I make her, (all 20 that she has requested over time) and still asks me to make her more. She is so affirming. Anything I do, she has something mice to say about it. When I am crafting..."Mom, that is beautiful, can you make me one" Or when I am exercising "Great job are being so healthy" She says the most sincere "Thank you's" for everything I buy her or do for her. I just love her so much. I love the kid she is becoming. I love her heart. She talks about God all the time. Knows that He died for her sins so she "can make bad choices and still go to heaven" I can't wait to see her relationship with her Heavenly Father grow. I know she will be a bright light for Him someday. Her genuine kindness will bring Him so much glory.

Happy 5th Birthday my girl, I love you to the moon!