I cant believe this girl...my baby girl...is going to be 4 on Monday. I LOVED 3. Had to be my favorite year with her. Although I'm sure I will love this year even more.

Side note: I am not one of those moms who is glad that her children are growing and entering new stages of life. I am the opposite. I would keep them small forever if I could. I know it is more work but I can protect them now. (and boss them around) I know where they are and what they are doing at all times...and I love that. But enough about me. This post is about Olivia Addsion.
Olivia is the most caring and observant child I know. She truly cares about the people she loves and has the strongest empathy only to mine. She is so affirming. She notices the little things I do and praises me for them. Like the other night, I stayed up way after everyone went to bed so I can clean. The first thing she said to me when she woke me up was "Wow Mom, you cleaned your room and our playroom and there are no more dishes in the sink. It looks great mom" And when I leave and go play bunco, the next morning she always wakes me up and says "Did you have fun with your friends at bunco?" She really does truly care and I love that about her. She is magnetic. I love to watch her and be around her. She is so cool without even knowing it. She is beautiful inside and out. She tells me that I am her best friend 20+ times a day and is constantly asking Toby is she is his best friend. When he says no, she gets bummed but when he says yes, she runs over to him and gives him the biggest hug with the sweetest smile of relief of her face.
She loves her stuffed animals so much. She has to have one with her where ever she goes and 10 in her bed with her when she goes to bed. She has to have a Mommy and Baby everything. Always in pairs. During her "Livy Time" (Her room time while Toby's napping) I can hear her "animals" talking to each other. The mom is always telling her baby to "make good choices" and sometimes the mom tells her babies that she is cranky. Makes me laugh so much to hear the words I say used in her play time.
Her and Toby have become super good friends this year. She helps him do everything that he cannot, and now he finally lets her. I really cant believe that they get along so well being together for 10+ hours a day. But they do. They play all day and I love when I catch them just sitting there talking. MELTS MY HEART.
She is such a big helper for me while I am babysitting too. She is just a good helper period. She loves to do stuff for us. She always looks so proud doing it too.
I love you so much Liv...I have enjoyed everyday of the four years I have had with you. You ARE my best friend and I couldn't ask for anything more!