We decided to paint birdhouses as a family last weekend. We were all sitting around the table painting...so much fun. So on Monday Kevin tells me to go get more so we can do it again. Having gone over so well, I thought that was a great idea. I was going to go by myself but of course Toby wanted to go "wit me". I didn't feel like getting him dressed so I let him go out in his "comfy" play pants. (which I swore when he was born I would NEVER do) We go and get them and as we get home, he wants to hold his and Liv's birdhouses. So I give them to him an get him out of his seat. He runs literally 2 steps before he falls right on top of his birdhouse. The corner of it breaks his fall between the garage concrete floor and his face.
It wasn't bleeding that much so I went to grab a paper towel and took him in the bathroom to clean it and take a better look. By the time we had gotten to the bathroom, his lip had swelled up to the size of a bouncy ball. It looked like a HUGE blood blister. So I freaked a little and told Kevin I was taking him to the Doctors.

I rush him into the ER, get in like 3 different lines, and wait, wait, wait. We have to sit there forever and of course he is wearing his freakin "comfy" pants. Well at the ER they obviously not as concerned as I was. We waited 2 1/2 hours to see see a doctor for 3 mins. He said nothing looked or felt broken, said it was "tricky" to give kids face xrays, gave us some antibiotics (just in case) and sent us on our way. I didn't feel very comforted by any of this, but by then I was ready to get him home and to bed so we left. They told me to bring him back if it got worse, but he seemed to feel fine, he was dancing and singing, and watching all of the ambulances come in and out so we went home. This is him after we got home, the swelling moving up to his cheek now.

So I put him to bed and was checking on him every hour and a half or so. But by midnight his eye was completely swollen shut. Thinking this was getting "worse" I called the nurse line and she told me to take him to the Loma Linda ER cause they have a pediatric ER, and so I did. As soon as we walked in and told them this was his 2nd time in the ER today they asked me what the XRays said. I told them what they said and they just shook their heads. This made me very glad I brought him here now. We waited about an hour and a half this time to get back in a room. Toby was starving from not eating dinner so I gave him a muffin from the vending machine.

He was happy as can be from that moment on. From 12:45am when I gave him the muffin till he had to get the head CT he was great. He refused to go lay on the xray table though so they had to put him asleep. They had to give him 3 doses of the sleepy juice (The nurse said it was enough to put a 200 pound man out cold) He was fighting it to the death. But the finally got him out and got the xray. He woke up chatting our ears off and just played and shot every doctor or nurse that walked by with the new squirt gun he had gotten from a male nurse.
I finally got him to go to sleep at 6am but he only slept for an hour. He woke up done! Done with the pain, done with me, done with sitting, and just DONE with the hospital. He started screaming "I want to go home, I want to go home, mom, get your purse, get my haha (his blanket), I WANNA GO Hooooooooooooooooome" And I was balling my eyes out too by now because we were just waiting on a specialist to tell us about a possible broken facial bone. I was scared and exhausted and just wanted to take my baby home. A nurse finally came over and asked me what they had already given him for pain, and they were amazed when I said nothing. The got him just enough morphine to take the edge off till we finally saw the specialist an hour and a half later.
Once they said we could go home Toby was just giggling and hoping around saying "Lets go see Dad, lets go see Sissy Bear, lets go HOME!!" He ran up to all the nurses and gave them hugs and said Bye. I have never been so happy to leave anywhere in my life. On the way home he requested to listen to Lady Gaga (of course)and eat 2 mommy bars (nutragrain bars) go-gert, AND applesause. How could I say no? Needless to say he was feeling amazingly hungry as normal. As we were driving away he said "Mom...I wike dat pwace" And went on head bobbing and singing to Poker Face.
He got lots of love, attention, and gifts from family and friends. Here he is later that night with the balloons Auntie Jean, Nana, and Stella brought for him. He got lots of goodies and loved every minute of the attention he got for his "purple face".

So all in all he ended up with 2 broken blood vessels (one in his eye and one in his lip) that ended up as hematomas. A lacerated frenulum, two chipped teeth, and a broken sinus wall (which will heal on it's own) THANK GOD no surgery!
Oh my!!
ReplyDeleteHoly Moly man.. His face looked so bad.. What ER did you take him to first?? Redlands? because this happen to us also when wes has cancer.. They saw him for 2 seconds and sent us home said it was nothing.. not test ran or anything. I am sooo glad he is ok. What a day you had! The things we go through for our crazy kids.
ReplyDeletePa-pa-pa purple face, pa-pa-purple face....
ReplyDeleteSorry, I couldn't resist.....(and only because I know he's OK!) Love that boy!!
This made me tear, i love you guys! Im so glad he is ok.
ReplyDeleteOh my Lauren. My heart just broke. I had no idea it was this bad. So, was his face broken? What happened? Did they give you a result? Poor Toby.
ReplyDeleteDemetri is sitting next to me saying "oby, boo boo?"
Give Toby lots of kisses from us.
and yourself too!
We love you guys and please please let me know if you need anything. I will even run errands for you.
or bring you cucas!
ReplyDeleteOh my...just forgot to put what was wrong...just added it (read the end)
ReplyDeletePoor baby...poor momma! You did great Lauren and I am glad that he doesn't have to have surgery!