She has some "outfits" that she got for Christmas and wears at least two of them through out the day.

My favorite part of the whole thing is what she calls Kevin depending on what costume she is wearing. When she is Little Mermaid, she calls Kevin "Eric". And when she is Cinderella or Snow White he is just "Prince" She always asks him to dance and he always does...complete with a spin and dip at the end. She closes her eyes and loves every minute of it. It's really the sweetest thing to watch.
Here is Liv and her "Prince"

She also LOVES to give gifts. The Christmas Season just couldn't last long enough for her. She still asks me to watch all the Christmas movies and she wants to give everyone gifts all the time. She will be in her room for like 20 minutes and then comes and gets me to tell me I have a gift. She will look in each of her four buckets and find which one she made for me, gives it to me, waits for my reaction, and says "Your welcome" whether or not I said thank you.

Then she asks where Dad and Toby are and gives them their gifts. I gave her a bunch of play necklaces and she "wraps" gifts with those too.

But for those she likes to surprise people. She will leave them outside Toby's door when he is sleeping, or outside the bathroom door if I am in the bathroom or Kevin is in the shower.

She is just so thoughtful and I love to watch the new ways she comes up with to show her love for her family. LOVE THIS GIRLY GIRL!!