And they lived happily ever after. Stop for just a moment, and let it be true. They lived happily ever after.
These may be the most beautiful and haunting words in the entire library of mankind. Why does the end of a great story leave us with a lump in our throats and an ache in our hearts? If we haven’t become entirely cynical, some of the best endings can even bring us to tears.
Because God has set eternity in our hearts. Every story we tell is our attempt to put into words and images what God has written there, on our hearts. Think of the stories that you love. Remember how they end.
These may be the most beautiful and haunting words in the entire library of mankind. Why does the end of a great story leave us with a lump in our throats and an ache in our hearts? If we haven’t become entirely cynical, some of the best endings can even bring us to tears.
Because God has set eternity in our hearts. Every story we tell is our attempt to put into words and images what God has written there, on our hearts. Think of the stories that you love. Remember how they end.
This is written on the human heart, this longing for happily ever after.
This idea is amazing to me. As a woman, I feel it so deeply. We are so often driven by how we feel on the inside instead of what's really going on around us. There is this song I keep hearing that says "I was made for a place I'll never know". We have this deep longing to feel satisfied and completely happy. And no matter how good I feel like I'm doing at the moment, there is still this ache in my heart, that is not satisfied with the outcome. I was made to have a perfect relationship, and in this fallen world I am never going to get that. But I must remain steadfast and constantly be working on that goal...even though every day I fail, sometimes miserably. I long for that happily ever after and I am so thankful that I am going to get it someday. Without that eternity complex written on our hearts, we would all be satisfied living for today. Instead we look to tomorrow to be better than today.
I am so happy that God has finally answered my prayers and put a fire in my heart to want to know Him more. I have been a "Christian" for as long as I can remember but only now am enjoying the benefits of a true relationship. The craziness of life often makes me fall but His grace is SO sufficient for me.
Absolutely amazing!