From the last week in September until Halloween I (Ankle Biters) was swamped with Halloween Orders. I made 22 tutus and 5 Super Hero capes. It was a huge blessing when we REALLY needed the money but was very stressful in the fact that there was tulle and fabric everywhere and I had little free time for Kevin and the kids. We got through it, but Halloween lost it's luster for me this year. We took the kids to 3 different things on 3 different days to really get use out of there costumes. Cousin Brandon's school Halloween Carnival on Thursday, Halloween Happenin at Granmmys and Papas church on Friday, and then out Annual Trick-or-Treating on Olive Street with Angi, Stella, and crew. The kids had a blast at every place and got WAY too much good candy. Here they are in all there incredible glory.

Toby channeled "Dash Incredible" all night and ran everywhere, knocking over kids, tomb stones, or anything else in his path. Olivia kept trying to make Toby call her "Violet" all day since she was calling him dash. I made her costume and she was very excited about her "super suit". But when I got the tutu out she looked at me with those eyes and said to me "Mom, that's not a super suit." I had to convince her it was a super tutu and then she was good with it.
After trick-or-treating, we dropped the kids off at my mom and dads (Really Kevin and I would have NO adult life is it wasn't for them...thanks mom!!) and went to Carynn's Party. After making so many tutus, and then my two best friends asking me to make them some, I decided I had to make one for myself to. So here we are. All of us in our Ankle Biter Tutus. It was a fun night!

Then there was November
I was HUGELY blessed to be apart of my Sister-in-laws (and one of my best friends) home birth. Words can't even describe how amazing it was. Dena was such a trooper and brought a beautiful 8 lb 1 oz boy into this world naturally and peacefully in their home. I was reminded of how amazing and perfectly God created our bodies to preform such a task and loved every single minute of it. Here is Lucas Allen Fisher born November 6th 2009

And now, Thanksgiving is just around the corner and I am feeling like the days are just flying by. I am annoyed that there is Christmas crap EVERYWHERE and the weather hasn't even felt like fall. My favorite season has come and gone way too quickly. I'm going to have to find my thankful heart by the end of the week here. And I will, I have so much to be thankful for, especially that there is a holiday that forces us to stop and count our blessings. Happy Fall everyone.